• Volunteer Signup for the 9/14 Göteborg Grand Slam Day

    Hi Everyone, We are excited for the upcoming tournament day that is coming up soon! We have teams confirmed and are finalizing plans for the day. There are a couple of jobs that we could use some additional support with. We have created the below volunteer sign up sheet. Please email, text, or messenger chat if you have any questions. ******** http://www.signup.com/go/dVKRXiB ******** You will see that we are looking to have a field cleanup on Sunday. Here is the schedule and the rules for the tournament weekend. We will have the grill running for lunch and music as well. • Rules according to Swedish TB. No new inning after 1 hour and 5 minutes. Maximum 4 innings. • The last inning will be announced by the umpire/scorekeeper. • The maximum pitches for the tournament for any player is 80 pitches. Coaches will need to keep track of their players pitch counts. • An inning will change sides after 25 pitches. If a player is left on base when you hit 25 pitches, then the next inning starts with that runner where they were left on base. • Inning will end after a team scores 6 runs, even the last inning. If the offensive team scores more than 6 runs on the last play this is allowed. If an inning ends after 6 runs, no baserunners will be placed in next inning. • After 4 balls in an at-bat then the coach will pitch to finish the at bat, either hit or strikeout. Schedule Visitor Team Home Team 10:30-11:45 Göteborg Skövde 4 innings 11:45-13:00 Kopenhagen Malmö 4 innings 12:30-13:00 Lunch – Göteborg & Skövde 13:00-13:30 Lunch – Kopenhagen & Malmö 13:30-14:45 Kopenhagen Göteborg 4 innings 14:45-16:00 Malmö Skövde 4 innings 16:00-17:15 Skövde Kopenhapen 4 innings 17:15-18:30 Malmö Göteborg 4 innings Lunches • Teams can order lunches for 80 kr per player before Thursday 12 September. Lunch will be a grilled hamburger and a side item. U12/U15 för 18 dagar sedan 0kommentarer
  • No Training on Aug 5th

    No Training on Aug 5th U12/U15 1 aug 0kommentarer
  • No training today

    Unfortunately we have rain again, so no practice. U12/U15 22 jul 0kommentarer
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